Breaking the stigma around men’s health issues at DHL

Men’s health is in crisis. A growing number of men are facing life with a prostate cancer diagnosis. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day.

These statistics need to change, and that’s why DHL partnered with the Movember Foundation, to deliver an important message – raising awareness and breaking the stigma around the importance of men’s health.

A positive campaign for early detection

We provided DHL with a global internal communications campaign. Supporting Movember, the leading charity committed to changing the face of men’s health, we created a global toolkit including materials such as posters, emails, internal branding and survivor interviews.

As part of the campaign, DHL wanted to encourage their staff to get to know their bodies so they would be more likely to notice any changes. We avoided negative language, opting for light-hearted straplines such as “check your package” and “handle with care” to drive the message home in a positive and humorous way.