We’ve joined the global B Corp community

We’re so excited to announce that Something Big has now joined the over 5,000 strong global B Corp community; a global group of businesses who are leveraging their power to be a force for good as an integral part of their business strategy. B Corps are legally committed to bringing benefit not just to shareholders, but to all business stakeholders: employees, customers, communities, and the environment.

What is a B Corp?

You’ve likely seen the B Corp logo on products such as Ben and Jerry’s, The Body Shop and Patagonia, but it’s not all consumer brands. Other household names like Coutts and Kickstarter have also joined the movement. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability around purpose as well as profit. The B stands for Benefit for all, with the goal of the B Global Network being to change our economic system so that it positively impacts people and the planet.

To achieve the B Corp Certification, an organisation must be verified as meeting the high standards for social and environmental impact as set out by B Lab. All B Corps have made a legal commitment to stakeholder governance, and to demonstrating accountability and transparency by disclosing their record of performance in their public B Corp profile. You can check out our public B Corp profile here.

What does this mean for Something Big?

So now that we’re a B Corp, just what happens next? Nearly two years ago, as we looked to develop our ESG strategy, we applied to become a B Corp. We recognised that the mission of the B Corp movement was very closely aligned to our own value of always trying to do the right thing. In the intervening months we’ve not just sat back and waited, in fact we’ve been busy, doing things like:

  • Becoming an employee-owned business (which we believe is a more equitable and sustainable business model).
  • Becoming a climate positive workforce offsetting our teams carbon impact at work and in their personal lives (thanks to Ecologi).
  • Launching active working groups that have made real change to mental health and wellbeing at Something Big, sustainability and giving back to our community, and diversity and inclusion (both in our work environment and in the creative we produce).

We’re on a mission to make Something Big a force for good, and you can find out more about what we’ve been up to in our impact report here. Becoming a B Corp has meant that we must now keep ourselves on track and continue making progress.

Our future goals include driving our support of sustainability to new levels, relaunching our volunteering scheme to provide vital support to our community, setting out a clear mission and guiding principles for our DEIB responsibilities, and proactively working with other businesses within the B Corp movement to make business a force for good.

No one ever said doing business and doing good couldn’t mix and for us the meaning of a thriving business is one that looks after our people and our planet too. Imagine a world where we all gave back more than we took.