We have been delving into Dzamic and Kirby’s HHH or 3H content strategy framework which is based on three types of marketing content – Hero, Hub, Help.
Help content holds onto audience attention for longer and nurtures a rapport with audiences by providing practical ‘how to’ style information. It’s the blogs, guides, webinars and fact sheets which sit at the widest end of the HHH pyramid.
Help content is designed to consistently ‘pull’ new people into your orbit, so frequently offering up helpful content will increase your brand reach, discovery and deliberation.
At the discovery stage consumers become aware that they have a problem, need, question or desire.
With the average person searching online over four times every day, Help content needs to answer questions, offer advice and educate on new topics to win audience attention. Keeping it factual, practical and clear will help build trust and foster the beginnings of a valuable customer relationship.
Make sure you identify your brand’s strategic goal and core message for each piece of content work. Your audience should always come away from content interaction with a key takeaway.
Salesforce’s award nominated corporate blog on ‘How Introverts Can Succeed in the Workplace’ is an example of how content can adapt for the audience and purpose; here Salesforce teach skill and also build on their employer brand.
Blogs are a staple Help content form used to answer questions, explain and support your search engine optimisation.
Microsoft’s Story Labs is an example of how to offer compelling long-form storytelling that doesn’t shove brand in the audience’s face; each profile weaves Microsoft’s technologies into courageous tales of individuals and organisations.
Feature stories in the form of videos or online profiles can be a great way to showcase what your brand does best.
Enterprising Mindsets Podcast comes from Young Enterprise, a charity which gives young people the life skills, knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in the changing world of work. This podcast series focuses on what an ‘Enterprising Mindset’ really means to Entrepreneurs, Teachers, CEOs.
Podcasts are proven and powerful learning tools and can be the perfect way to help your audience absorb more information by listening instead of reading content.
Need support to create your Help content? We’ll lend a hand and create content that will hold the attention of your audience that little bit longer: hello@somethingbig.co.uk