DHL Supply Chain


Effectively engaging senior leaders with standardization communications

For a business to move forward into the future, it’s crucial that its senior leadership team are aligned with the shared vision for the direction of the business.

For DHL Supply Chain, a conference was the perfect opportunity to communicate the importance of Standardization, align senior leaders with the direction the business is heading, and get them excited about the future of supply chain.

DHL Supply Chain’s ITOESD conference needed to engage senior leaders across Operations and IT to understand the importance of standardization in the future growth of the business.

The objective of the conference was to highlight what success looks like for DHL Supply Chain in 2030, looking at what decisions have already been taken and what still needs to be done to achieve this success.

They wanted the senior leadership team to feel informed and involved in the shared vision of the future of DHL Supply Chain.

But how do you ensure the audience feels empowered, inspired, and excited about standardizing ways of working?

By showing them what the Supply Chain of the Future looks like.

We worked with DHL Supply Chain to create an engaging and inspiring keynote presentation, which was the pinnacle of the conference. It told an emotive story which took employees on a journey through their successes to date, resulting in an end where employees could see the future that they were all working towards.

A simple creative solution for the conference helped to visualise a complex story. As the conference was the launch of standardization across the business, it was important the visuals engaged and excited the audience, helping them see the efficiencies and benefits standardization will bring, without overwhelming them with too much information.

An animated illustration of the Supply Chain of the Future showcased the key areas that are part of future-proofing DHL Supply Chain and key areas for standardization. The conference won over the hearts and minds of the senior leaders, aligning them with the future of the business.

What was the meaningful difference?

The conference inspired, informed, and involved senior leaders, engaging them with the importance of standardization and getting them excited about the shared vision of the future of DHL Supply Chain. The conference achieved a 9.6/10 average rating from the audience. Since the conference, standardization has been successfully implemented in different areas across the business.