Positioning DHL as thought leaders in engineering and manufacturing

With the engineering and manufacturing sector facing critical business challenges, DHL Customer Solutions & Innovation (CSI) set out to help by providing their own guidance and insights, while better positioning themselves as thought leaders in the industry.

​To achieve this, DHL CSI developed an Executive Interview Webinar Series, providing in-depth interviews with industry experts such as senior supply chain and logistics executives from the engineering and manufacturing sectors.

The aim of the project was to help strengthen DHL’s relationships with key engineering and manufacturing customers, secure them as an essential partner for overcoming these business challenges, and become the ‘go to’ place for support and advice for all businesses – not just current DHL clients. ​

Connecting the industry to the experts

We knew the webinars needed a snappier title, so we started by naming the series “Logistics Talks”. We then developed its visual identity, creating a professional look and feel that would engage the audience and position DHL as an authoritative voice in the sector.

We launched the campaign with everything it needed to succeed – from designing a web page for the DHL website, to developing all the promotional assets to launch the series. These included digital invites, static and animated social assets, emails and calendars of upcoming episodes, as well as internal promotion of the webinar series through community calls, emails, assets for internal social channels and toolkits for the sales team.